Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A contract with myself...

I've been tagged by Beth to make a contract with myself about writing. When I noticed that she'd tagged me, I was really hoping that she was referring to a different Liza, because I knew that writing such a contract would force me to think about issues I prefer to keep safely tucked at the back of my mind instead of at the forefront, where I'd feel pressured to take a plunge that, to some extent, scares me. Anyway, my contract is as follows...

"I, Liza R, pledge to be the best writer that I can be. I promise to do my best
to believe in myself, my talent, and the compliments and kind words of those who
believe in me (none of which comes easily). I will do my best to accept the
possibility that my writing is as good as people keep saying it is, and will try
not to doubt myself so much. I will work harder to take my writing to new levels
and wider audiences, asking for help when necessary. I will make serious
attempts to market my work, and do my best to create opportunities in pursuit of
my dream to be a "real" writer. I will continue to use my skills to help others,
and will continue to use my writing to promote ideas and issues about which I am
passionate. I will do my best to rise to any writing challenges placed before
me, and will try not to let self-doubt get in the way of facing such

Beth, I hope you don't mind that I added your bit about asking for help. It's definitely not my strong suit either, as I noted in your comments section.

Now I'm tagging Rami, Lisa, Stefanella, Allison and anyone else who fancies him/herself to be a writer.


Life Out East said...

Seems like a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Finally! Beth forces you to do what I've been saying for a long time! Not just about your writing either...more a general pledge! ;-)! Maybe I should take it too!

Anonymous said...

Liza, I am proud to know we share that trait! ;) Great contract!!